At St. Joseph Catholic Church there are many opportunities for parishioners to become more involved in the celebration of the Mass. We invite you to prayerfully consider offering your talents and time to serving as a Liturgical Minister. Training is provided so you do not need to have any prior experience.
We offer the following Liturgical Ministries for parishioners, young and old, to become more involved in the Mass:
At St. Joseph, Altar Servers assist the priest by taking responsibility for preparation of the Mass and service to the priest and altar during Mass, Benediction, and other liturgical celebrations. Boys who have the permission of their parents and who have received their first Holy Communion may apply to become altar servers. New altar servers must complete training. For more information, parents should contact Father Pieter or the office at or 734-461-6555.
"When the Scriptures are read in the church, God himself is speaking to his people and Christ, present in his own words, is proclaiming the Gospel." (GIRM,n.29)
Also known as the “lector” the reader reads the first and second scripture readings during the Mass. The reader may also read the intercessory prayers or the Prayer of the Faithful and participate at funeral Masses and special services at the request of the pastor. If you like to read aloud and feel you have the gift to speak the Word of God with clarity and meaning, consider becoming a reader. Training is provided for new reader. For more information about becoming a reader contact the Parish Office at or phone: 734-461-6555.
Ushers welcome parishioners and guests and assist them in finding seats. They also assist with taking the collection, distributing the Church bulletin, and providing hospitality to the parishioners and guests who attend St. Joseph on Sundays and holy days.
For more information about becoming an usher contact the Parish Office at or 734-461-6555.
Sacristans are charged with the care of the sacristy especially in preparation of the vessels before and after masses. The Sacristans are crucial to ensuring vessels are prepared for the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Duties also include cleaning purificators, corporals and towels along with ensuring other items such as cruets, corporals, lavabo and towels are made available for the Mass. Sacristans also may be asked to help with decorating for special Masses.
For more information about becoming a Sacristan, contact the Parish Office at or 734-461-6555.
Extraordinary Eucharistic Ministers
An Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (EMHC) is a non-ordained person who is commissioned to distribute the Body and Blood of Christ to the gathered faithful at Mass. Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion (EMHC) are only needed occasionally at Saint Joseph. They must be registered parishioners of our parish, have received the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist), regularly attend Mass and celebrate the Sacraments, and be in good standing with the Catholic Church. Training is provided. For more information contact the Parish Office at or 734-461-6555.
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